
A new bouncy chair

For the first two months of Lila, she was quite the little fuss bucket! We had all of the "required" baby gear: a bouncer, a swing, etc....but she cared for none of it. She cried (for what felt like) 24 hours a day. I was out at a garage sale one day and ran across this bouncer. It was so sweet and pink and the one we had a home was blue and the rest of those primary colors. Although we had no room for another bouncer and no need for one either, since she refused to use the one we had, I felt like I had to have it. So, I handed over the $5 and loaded it in the car. On the way home, I tested out how I would explain to Jason why I HAD to have this new bouncer. When I got home, he was more understanding that I'd anticipated. I took it apart and washed it all up and promptly loaded Lila into it. She instantly fell asleep. Two months later, she watches football in it, she takes naps in it, she sits in it and looks out at the world, she watches Mommy vacuum in it....she LOVES it. And I'm so thankful that we finally found something she would actually use.